
Lista (LISTA)

Lista DAO is an open-source liquidity protocol used for crypto yields and lending of the project’s decentralized stablecoin (“distablecoin”), LISTA coin.

The platform was developed by DeFi and smart contract experts with the goal of positioning the revolutionary lisUSD stablecoin as the most widely used, leveraging Proof-of-Stake (PoS) rewards and yield-generating assets.

What is a distablecoin?

Distablecoin is a new asset class in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The prefix “de-” stands for “decentralized”, meaning it is a decentralized stablecoin.

Distablecoins use only decentralized and liquidly staked assets as collateral. They do not aim to achieve absolute price stability relative to fiat currencies.

Although they are not fully volatile assets, they do allow for some price fluctuations, just like regular fiat currencies, with variable reference rates and interest parities set by the open market.

Tokenomics of LISTA coin

LISTA is a secure and transferable token used for governance and utility in Lista DAO. Its main goal is to provide a secure and easy way for payments and transactions between platform participants, without centralized intermediaries.

The cryptocurrency is backed by the US dollar. Users with collateralized assets can borrow using lisUSD, which is kept stable by collateral assets deposited in CeVault, the Lista platform’s collateral vault.

The token can be used as a medium of exchange or placed in a farming pool on a DEX to maximize efficiency, obtain loans, and increase yields.

How does Lista DAO work?

The goal of Lista DAO is to propose a solution to the capital efficiency that stablecoins typically face, allowing users to leverage funds.

By combining liquid staking, the MakerDAO-validated model, and additional liquidity from LPs on DEXs, Lista DAO can avoid issues such as frozen funds (backed by fiat currency) or loss of value due to price volatility.

Lista DAO aims to help promote blockchain technology towards mainstream adoption by incentivizing borrowers and stakers to become part of a new decentralized economy at scale.

Among other things, it allows users to collateralize BNB, borrow and farm lisUSD, repay the loan, claim rewards in LISTA coin for lending lisUSD, and participate in project governance using LISTA tokens.

Tools to track LISTA coin prices on NovaDAX

If you are interested in investing in cryptocurrencies, you need to keep track of market movements to make the best decisions. For this, you can always rely on NovaDAX price charts.

The charts available on the NovaDAX platform are updated in real time so you can monitor asset prices, compare performances, and create a smart investment strategy. In addition, NovaDAX has the best rates for all of Latin America!

Advantages of investing in NovaDAX

Did you enjoy learning about the Lista DAO project and would like to invest in LISTA coin to take advantage of its appreciation? Then sign up with NovaDAX, a cryptocurrency exchange. The platform offers the best rates for all of Latin America.

NovaDAX provides simple, practical, accessible, and secure transactions for anyone, including those who have never invested in cryptocurrencies. Do you want to start investing in LISTA coin and other assets? Create your free account on the platform now and enter the crypto market with complete security.